Category Food

Traditional Indian Lentil Dahl

Interesting fact about me is that I’m a huge fan of Indian foods, and one of my all-time favorite recipes is this delicious Traditional Indian Lentil Dahl. I make it about once a week, without fail, and each time I’m…

5 Best Ways (and Machines) to Make Coffee

ultra running and coffee lovers moka pot machines skyrunning girl naia tower-pierce

5 Best Ways (and Machines) to Make Coffee MY MAD COFFEE SKILLS Before you’re all skeptical of my coffee experience… FUN FACT ABOUT MYSELF: I’ve worked at three different coffee shops around the world. Not many people know that about…

Do YOU Drink Coffee Before YOU Run?

do you drink coffee before you run skyrunning girl skyrunner trail running yoga for runners coffee art shops wifi coding naia

Do YOU Drink Coffee Before YOU Run? After receiving over a hundred comments on Twitter responding to my question of “Do YOU Drink Coffee Before YOU Run?” I realized I MUST write a blog post! And here we are… A…