“Gaiter Pods are practical, yet stylin’ training and race wear for on & off trail runners, mountain runners, skyrunners, and adventure seekers.”
– Gaiter Pods
Sometimes when we go for a run we get rocks, sand, bugs, water, and just about anything else in our shoe, and you know how it goes…. you stop in the middle of the trail, take your shoe off, empty out your shoe, put your shoe back on… ugh. I know. It’s rough when it happens.
When I raced Transvulcania in 2019, I saw SO many racers empty out black lava rocks out of their shoes along the course.
Gaiter Pods also outfitted the 2018 US Skyrunning Team, as well as will outfit the 2019 Team with gaiters!
There is a solution to the problem of stopping during your amazing run or your incredible race. It is called….
Gaiters are one of the most incredible inventions known to man(woman)(people)kind.
I one hundred percent recommend Gaiter Pods. Gaiter Pods puts much thought into how runners, run and race. There are many different companies that sell gaiters, but Gaiter Pods really seems to understand runners .
Gaiter Pods have many different variations, such as short or tall, waterproof or not. They also have amazing designs to match your personality.

“Gaiter Pods keep sh$t out of your running shoes, so you can run longer, farther & faster on and off-trail.“
– Gaiter Pods
*I do have a personal connection with the company, but I have tested various gaiters and I stand true to Gaiter Pods.